A Message About FEP
The Blue Cross® Blue Shield® Federal Employee Program® (FEP) Overseas members have been enjoying the benefits of having GeoBlue as their new overseas service provider since the start of the year. While the transition to a new overseas vendor has been largely successful, there are some issues that require fine-tuning. We appreciate your patience as GeoBlue continues working to provide you with the best possible experience. |
If you’ve experienced a delay in claim payments, here are some tips to help:
- Check for an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) to see if payment has already been made by searching for it on GeoBlue’s provider portal, geoblueproviders.com.
- Submit complete and legible documentation and invoices to reduce processing times and avoid the need to resubmit forms. Be sure to include a diagnosis and banking details. Submit FEP invoices to fepinvoices@geo-blue.com.
- Plan ahead and use Direct Pay. Please contact the GeoBlue Global Service Center to arrange for a guarantee letter before an appointment or admission, and be sure to include it with the invoice. Request a Guarantee of Benefits (GOB) at fepoverseas@geo-blue.com.
- Send to the correct email address. By directing your requests and submissions only to the email addresses listed above, you help minimize email volume and prevent delays caused by sending to incorrect email addresses.
- Avoid sending multiple emails. To ensure a smooth process, send your requests or submissions only once to the email addresses listed above. Resending emails can lead to confusion and delays.
- Contact Provider Finance. If it has been longer than 30 days and you have followed all of the above, contact our Provider Finance team at providerfinance@geo-blue.com to check on payment status. Please do not contact them prior to 30 days and only after checking the portal. If you need portal access, email us at providers@geo-blue.com.
Global Networks Staff Update
We are pleased to announce that Esther Garcia de Yebenes and Diana Mihalachi have been promoted to supervisors on the Provider Relations and Provider Finance teams, respectively. Esther started at GeoBlue in 2014 and Diana has been on the team since 2019. Congratulations to both on their new positions! |
Facility Spotlight: Memorial Health Group
Memorial Health Group has been a GeoBlue provider since 2013. As one of the premier healthcare providers in Turkey, this provider includes 12 hospitals, all of which are internationally accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI). Serving a diverse patient base from across the globe, Memorial Health Group ensures a seamless experience for our GeoBlue members with dedicated representatives on hand around the clock. |
Take Our Survey!
GeoBlue values your feedback. Please complete this survey if you have had any transaction with us in the last 3 months (GOP, claim submission or payment inquiry) so we can gauge your satisfaction. The survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. |
Missed last quarter’s newsletter? Want to view this newsletter in Spanish? You can access previous issues in English and Spanish online. Visit The Compass archive for the latest on GeoBlue provider news. |

Update Your Contact Information |
To review or update your contact information, please visit our Provider Portal. If you have trouble logging in, click on the “Forgot Password?” link. Your username is your email address. If you need help changing your information, you can reply to this email. For all other requests, please continue to write to us at providers@geo-blue.com. |
GeoBlue® is the trade name of Worldwide Insurance Services, LLC (Worldwide Services Insurance Agency, LLC in California and New York), an independent licensee of Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and is made available in cooperation with Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies in select service areas.
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